
Business Support

Companies that take their first steps in the overseas market are faced with a whole range of challenges, from the development of a documentation template to the delivery of financial statements. Local consultants who are best acquainted with the business specifics of their region can help figure out everything and start a startup correctly.

Scope Kazakhstan provides specialized support to new businesses in Kazakhstan and abroad for international companies. Scope Kazakhstan is conducting this work jointly with its foreign partners.

Experts provide services focused on the establishing and ongoing support of foreign offices.

Our consultants partially or fully solve the following tasks of clients:

  • Company registration
  • Legal support
  • Development of accounting policies for accounting and tax purposes
  • Keeping accounting records, IFRS-compliant Financial Statements (FS)
  • Development of documentation templates
  • Contracts and agreements
  • Setting up a labor relations system
  • Salary and social benefits calculations
  • Postal and secretarial services
  • Cash asset management
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